
Lawyer Dr. Gerhard Semotan, LL.M. (LSE)
Lawyer Dr. Gerhard Semotan, LL.M., born in 1952, graduated as PhD in Law from the University of Vienna in 1975. An additional specialization was undertaken at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) where he graduated as Master of Laws (LL.M.) in the summer of 1977.
First practical legal experience gained Dr. Semotan as a member of prestigious law firms and court clerk in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Vienna, but also as an employee of the law firm Bernardo Cremades in Madrid and in the legal department of IBM Austria.
After successful completion of the Austrian bar exam, he registered in the list of lawyers in Vienna in 1983 and consecutively established his own law firm (which resides at the present location since 2013, before that at Stubenring 20 and Dorotheergasse 7).
In 1997, Dr. Semotan also qualified as a solicitor in England and Wales, leading to several years of collaboration with London-based law firm Gregory Rowcliffe Milners. In addition, there is a lasting cooperation with the law firm Fröhlingsdorf in Madrid.
Dr. Semotan thus offers its clients over 35 years of experience as an independent lawyer with excellent networking at home and abroad. Since 2001, he also has been granted a concession for real estate brokers (limited to real estate developers).

Dr. Christian Feltl, LL.M. (Of Counsel)
Dr. Christian Feltl, LL.M., born in 1981, graduated with honors as PhD in Law at the University of Vienna in 2007. An additional specialization was undertaken in European and International Business Law which he graduated as Master of Laws (LL.M.).
Legal practice was completed by Dr. Feltl as a court clerk at the District Court Josefstadt and at the Commercial Court Vienna as well as an associate of renowned law firms. He gained substantial scientific experience as a research associate at the Institute for Civil and Business Law of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Prof. Kalss) and as a post-doc assistant at the Institute of Corporate and Business Law at the University of Vienna (Prof. Aicher). Corresponding teaching assignments were also held at the Medical University of Vienna, the Ivan Franko University L’viv (Lviv / Ukraine) and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland).
Since 2014, Dr. Feltl holds lectures in economic private law, corporate law and company law at the Private University Schloss Seeburg and also teaches at the FH bfi Wien and WIFI Vienna. As a legal expert, his focus lies on corporate law.
For his numerous specialist publications – an overview can be found here – Dr. Feltl was awarded the prize of the „Verband österreichischer Banken und Bankiers“ (Association of Austrian Banks and Bankers) in 2015 and the Walther Kastner Prize in 2009, among others. In 2016, he received a scholarship from the City of Vienna.

em. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich Neisser
Senior Expert Adviser, former Second President of the National Council, former Federal Minister
Dr. Heinrich Neisser was Federal Minister for Federalism and Administrative Reform from 1987 to 1989 and second National Council President of the Republic of Austria from 1994 to 1999. He was holder of the Jean Monnet Chair at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Innsbruck (1999 to 2007) and is Honorary Professor of Political Science at the University of Vienna since 1989. Dr. Neisser is, among other things, bearer of the honorary medal „Großes Silbernes Ehrenzeichen mit dem Stern für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich“ for his merit for the Republic of Austria, of the Austrian Cross of Honor „Österreichisches Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst I. Klasse“ for Science and Art First Class and of the „Großer Tiroler Adler-Orden“.
Lawyer Dr. Gerhard Semotan, LL.M. | Salzgries 3/50, 1010 Vienna, Austria | Phone: +43 (1) 513 20 24 21 | Fax: +43 (1) 513 20 24 24 | Mail:
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