We specialize in commercial law – Dr. Semotan himself has many decades of experience as an entrepreneur; Dr. Feltl on the other hand is a lecturer in corporate law at the Private University Schloss Seeburg as well as editor of the „Große Gesetzausgabe zum UGB“ (Great Law Edition on the Austrian Commercial Code) published by MANZ.
We focus on the following areas and are featured in numerous specialist publications (an overview can be found here):
- General corporate law
- Company law
- Business criminal law / management liability
- Contract law
- Private client
- Association and foundation law
- Real estate law
- Arbitration
- Debt recovery
Furthermore, we also support our clients by holding tailor-made seminars and trainings – especially on the topics of corporate compliance, avoidance of liability and combating corruption.

Lawyer Dr. Gerhard Semotan, LL.M. | Salzgries 3/50, 1010 Vienna, Austria | Phone: +43 (1) 513 20 24 21 | Fax: +43 (1) 513 20 24 24 | Mail: office@semotan.eu
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