Publication of „Große Gesetzausgabe zum UGB“
4 Jan 2018

On 4 January 2018, the „Große Gesetzausgabe zum UGB“ (Great Law Edition of the Austrian Commercial Code) has been published by Christian Feltl in the MANZ publishing house. The nearly 1,000-page work follows the legendary preliminary editions of „Old Master“ Heinrich Demelius, Fritz Schönherr and Gunter Nitsche, and in addition to the legal text contains a complete list of cases with more than 4,000 current guidelines, detailed comments and explanations as well as further references.
„The work (…) should not be missing in any reference library“ (lawyer Dr. Lucas Prunbauer, LL.M.).
„The work (…) should not be missing in any reference library“ (lawyer Dr. Lucas Prunbauer, LL.M.).
Additional information:
Lawyer Dr. Gerhard Semotan, LL.M. | Salzgries 3/50, 1010 Vienna, Austria | Phone: +43 (1) 513 20 24 21 | Fax: +43 (1) 513 20 24 24 | Mail:
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