Book Presentation „Große Gesetzausgabe zum UGB“
16 Jan 2018
On the evening of January 16, 2018, the „Große Gesetzausgabe zum UGB“ (Great Law Edition on the Austrian Commercial Code), published by Christian Feltl, was presented in the presentation hall „Kleine Halle“ of the Austrian Federation of Industrialists:
After opening remarks by Alfred Heiter (Head of Financial Policy & Law of the Federation of Industrialists), speeches were given by the former Second President of the National Council and former Federal Minister Heinrich Neisser, lawyer Benedikt Spiegelfeld and MANZ publishing director Heinz Korntner. Finally, Christian Feltl was encouraging in his speech to drive forward the project of a „Europäisches Unternehmensgesetzbuch“ (European Commercial Code).
Secretary of State Karoline Edtstadler, Deputy Mayor Bernhard Görg, University Professors Josef Aicher, August Reinisch and Rainer van Husen, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thomas Haberer, GF Johannes Rehulka, Chief of Cabinet Steward Michael Somlyay and around 100 other prominent guests from law offices as well as the justice and business sector.
An extremely successful evening!
Some impressions:
Lawyer Dr. Gerhard Semotan, LL.M. | Salzgries 3/50, 1010 Vienna, Austria | Phone: +43 (1) 513 20 24 21 | Fax: +43 (1) 513 20 24 24 | Mail:
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